Canada to welcome 500,000 new immigrants in 2025
IRCC in Canada has released detailed information about the plans that the Canadian government has for immigrants for the period 2023-2025. For 2022, IRCC is already well on track to welcome more than 430,000 immigrants to Canada. In 2023, this target will rise to 465,000 new permanent residents (PRs). In 2024, Canada will aim to welcome an additional 485,000 immigrants and in 2025 another 500,000.Â
What is the main purpose of the new immigration levels plan 2023-2025?
Immigration has a big role in Canadian society. Immigrants are filling job positions in all sectors, with 5 million Canadians set to retire by the end of this decade.
The main purpose of the new immigration levels plan 2023-2025 is to support the Canadian economic resurgence and post-pandemic growth. According to IRCC, some of the main points of the plan include:
Increase in overall admission amounting to 1.14% of the Canadian population by 2024
Help for vulnerable populations, like granting PR to refugees working in health care
Support for global crises by providing humanitarian immigration to those facing persecution
Talent retention by those that are already in Canada by granting PR status to temporary residents
Why immigration is essential for Canada?
Immigration is an important activity for the economic sustainability of a country. There are many reasons why immigration is essential for Canada including:
Support the Canadian population and economic growth
Assist diverse cultural backgrounds
Build strong economic and social foundations
Critical to supporting economic recovery
The Immigration plans tabled by the government provide Canada with long-term benefits such as supporting short-term economic growth and addressing unemployment and job vacancy issues. If you want to know more about unemployment and job vacancies in Canada, please read this article.
How were the immigration levels in Canada in recent years?
Canada is one of the countries chosen by millions of immigrants as their home every year. As the Canadian population continues to age and the fertility level is decreasing, immigration is the main driver of the Canadian economy.
Just over 1.3 million new immigrants settled permanently in Canada from 2016 to 2021, the highest number of immigrants recorded. The lowest number of immigrants admitted to the country was in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, Canada welcome the highest number of immigrants in its history, with 405,999 permanent residents which represents an increase of 120% from 2020. In 2022, Canada is aiming to welcome 431,645 permanent residents and rise this number as mentioned in the immigration plan 2023-2025.
Nearly one in four people in Canada are immigrants, the highest proportion of the population in more than 150 years according to the graphic below.
Source(s): Census of Population, 1871 to 2006, 2016 and 2021 (3901); National Household Survey, 2011 (5178); Population projections on immigration and diversity for Canada and its regions, 2016 to 2041 (5126); The presented data are based on the reference scenario.
If you want more information about these new immigration plans, please refer to the Canadian government website.