Kim Christiansen helps Acsenda students find 'peaceful productivity' in their work
Kim Christiansen a designated accountant that has obtained certifications in productivity and time management, presented a very informative event regarding ‘Peaceful Productivity’ within our daily life to Acsenda School of Management students this week. An organized and structured woman who experienced a work-related burnout in 2017, is now a certified Life Coach, helping people to overcome those very same problems. Christiansen talked about personal burnouts, balancing energy, focusing time, planning tasks and setting up goals.
With over 50 attendees, the event provided helpful tips that motivated the audience to learn how to increase their energy and divvy up time between tasks. One of the key takeaways was her segment on ‘increasing energy, reducing stress’, which aimed to help students cope with their workload, identifying ways we can all garner a balance in our daily lives without getting frustrated or overwhelmed. She also spoke about a concept known as ‘Fences’, which is an approach that aims to understand boundaries as they pertain to the optimization of output. By prioritizing ‘focus time’, people are able to find ways to being more active, energized and organized - when they need to be. Also, for people who experience a lot of interruptions in their work or study routine, Christiansen emphasized the ‘Think, Feel, Act’ strategy, where between work, if there is an opportunity to pause of any kind, it’s important to take time to collect our thoughts, evaluate the situation and give time before continuing the thing we were doing.
Some of the amazing tools Kim offered were book recommendations such as ‘Flow’ by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, that looks at productive time management advice and implementation techniques. She also recommended ‘7 habits of highly effective people’ by Steven Covey, that discusses ways to be productive in accomplishing objectives.
Ultimately, the event managed to engage everyone, concluding with an interactive activity. Overall, it was a very effective presentation that helped provide knowledge to Acsenda students on how to manage their time, identifying effective tools that can be used to plan, concentrate, improve, and achieve.